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This is the leadership of Shanayoy under the Kamentsa ancestral legacy, Taita Juan Bautista is our head teacher, and his family, German Muchavisoy, Mercedes Agreda, and Erika Salazar,  among other expert apprentices of the ancient teachings.

Taita Juan B. Agreda

Taita Juan Bautista Agreda Chindoy is a Kametsa indigenous, leader, and two-time governor of the Cabildo Kamentsa of Sibundoy Putumayo. He has dedicated his life to the well-being of the Kamentsa people, the preservation of the language, culture, and environment of the indigenous reservation. 

He is the son of Taita Martín Agreda, a man of knowledge of the Kamentsa tribe, and comes from a recognized family of traditional Yageceros.

"I belong to the Kamëntšá community of Sibundoy Putumayo, Colombia. I  started my journey on this path from the time I was a child, learning the traditional medicine inherited by my father Taita Martin Agreda."

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Maria Mercedes Agreda

Mercedes Agreda Chicunque is a Kamentsa indigenous woman, medicine woman, and daughter of Taita Juan Bautista Agreda.

She has dedicated her life to strengthening her community, mother tongue, culture, elders, and ancestral arts with different projects to support and uplift an endangered indigenous community.

A student of the faculty of Madre Tierra of the National University and Indigenous activist in the OIOC organization, Mercedes leads projects that this organization carries out to strengthen the Kamentsa ancestral legacy.

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Erika Salazar

Erika Salazar is a Colombian woman who lives in the Kamentsa Biyan reservation in Sibundoy, Putumayo.

She supports the projects of OIOC organization.


Organization and the Kamentsa community in education, health, and the environment.

She is the custodian of the Healing Altar of the Amazonian Kamentsa Nation with over 20 years of experience working with Plant Medicines and Healing Arts under the tutelage of Traditional Medicine Man Taita Juan Bautista Agreda Chindoy.

Erika is also a professional medical herbalist in the Vitalist Tradition with the NAIHM and a Holistic Therapist from the University of Esneca in Spain.


Mother of two children.


Healing Center Shanayoy, Projects and Community
Indigenous Activism

It is a time of change, and together we can bring more balance to the World.
A small effort of some, can make the biggest difference for many.


Shanayoy Healing 

The Kamentsa Indigenous have a thousand-year-old heritage and an ancient healing altar through the Yage / Ayahuasca knowledge Medicine Plant. Our leader Taita Juan and a group of specialized assistants lead the Sacred Medicine Ceremony for Healing.

Mind, Body and Spirit are one with the creation and holistic harmony is needed for perfect health. This ancient knowledge carries a key to understanding and healing for all humanity.

Traditional Kamentsa Plant Spirit Shamanism

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